Who is spending whose money? Do you agree (like) with or disagree (dislike) the San Francisco Board's proposal to give: a whopping one-time payment of $5 million to each adult and a complete clearing of personal debt — including credit cards, taxes and student loans. Black residents would also be able to collect an annual income of at least $97,000 for 250 years and buy homes within the city limits for $1. Let's have your vote. I bet Krapala Harris supports this disgusting proposal. San Francisco is where she built her corrupt supporters.
It is both disgusting and ridiculous for black americans to ask for a hand-out from the taxpayers simply because of the color of their skin or because they think they can trace their roots or ancestry to a slave. First of all, the original "slavers" were black africans - tribal chiefs, zulu kings, village chieftans, who had no regard for the lives of their own slaves. It was these black africans who "sold" their own human breathren and sisters to other black "traders", who then "sold" the unfortunate humans to white slavers. This is a fact. Secondly, black americans who can trace their ancestors to slaves are probably alive today only because of the better medical care and vastly increased longevity that slavery in the USA gave their ancestors, who would probably have died at a very early age in stone-age 16th, 17th and 18th century backwards africa, where most black men really were carrying around spears until the late 19th or very beginning of the 20th century (until circa 1880 to 1900). Thirdly, we good Americans already gave everything - our lives, our time, our money - to free our "slaves" in the Civil War. How disgusting to think that a million white Americans giving up their lives and tens of millions suffering the poverty that the Civil War brought isn't enough! Disgusting! Stop this evil fraud of "slavery reparations" - the idea of it is also unconstitutional. The Government cannot give hand-outs to people based on the color of their skin or their ethnicity, among other things. People of all colors and ethnicities should band together to stop this disgusting hand-out idea now, before it leads to another civil war.
Although I wouldn't mind 5 or 30 million I don't think it's right - and Georgia shouldn't go that way at all. Lots of white folk are poor or don't have jobs and are having trouble too, and this just won't fly. Let's stop racial fighting!
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